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Do you want to Advertise Your Site?? Greetings,
Do you want to Increase Your Site
if yes, you are at right place. we are
the biggest toplist group for mobile
wapsites.. we provide ad placements on our
sites to increase your traffic. we have Different 4 ad placements on our site - Top-1 $25 per day ( INR 1375/- )
( 25000-30000 clicks )
- Top-2 $30 per day ( INR 1650/- )
( 35000-40000 clicks )
- Bottom-1 $15 per day ( INR 825/- )
( 7000-9000 clicks ) - Bottom-2 $10 per day ( INR 550/- )
( 6000-8000 clicks ) Check AD Position in Site Interested to advertisement your site ?? e-mail us below details at
Your Name: ________
Your Site: ________
Ad-Text: ________ (free wallpapers downloads)(Max 30 char)( 1 text
per ad )
Target Link: ________
(www.yoursite.com)( 1 link per ad ) How to pay and start ads?? you can deposit cash or transfer
online to our bank,
bank detail will be provided in reply
of your email
once you make payment kindly
reply us with reference number to start your advertisement on next
day. :) Add-on: - Random Ad-Text you can keep any number of
random text by extra charge,
INR 50/- per extra Ad-Text ( you
can get 25% more traffic with
random text) - Combination Offer Top1 + Top2 with 2800/- per
Top1 + Bottom1 with 1800/- per
Top2 + Bottom1 with 2000/- per
day Top2 + Bottom2 with 1800/- per
Bottom1 + Bottom2 with 1000/-
per day
- in combination offer you can
provide two Ad-Text Important Notes: - only 1 Ad-Text will be allowed for
each Ad-Placement, text cannot be
changed in between the day.
- advertisements will run on our site
for 24 hours.
- advertisement will be placed at next day after payment received.
- target page contains Popup Ads or chargeable ads will be terminated instantly. - admin reserves rights to terminate
deal any time for any reason.
Preamble BuzzCity serves mobile internet
advertising on a network of publisher
sites (the BuzzCity Mobile Internet
Advertising Network). This agreement
covers Advertiser’s participation in the
BuzzCity Mobile Internet Advertising Network for the purchase,
deployment and management of
advertising campaigns on the
advertising network. 2. Roles and Responsibilities BuzzCity will give you access to a
password protected web site
("Associate Center") that allows
Advertisers to create, deploy and
manage their mobile internet
campaigns on the advertising network. The Associate Center also contains the
latest information and online reports
on your advertising campaigns. Advertiser agrees to provide
advertising content for each campaign
according to the specifications and BuzzCity Content Guidelines provided. 3. BuzzCity’s Responsibility. BuzzCity will use all commercially and
technically reasonable efforts to
deliver the Advertiser’s campaign(s) as
set out by the Advertiser in the
Associate Center based on the
campaign settings selected by the Advertiser. 4. Advertiser's Responsibilities. Advertiser is solely responsible for
selecting the appropriate campaign
settings in the Associate Center for
each campaign. Advertiser will develop relevant Ad
Content for each campaign(s). Ad
Content is subject to our approval and
must comply with our specifications
and guidelines. Advertiser also agrees to abide by all
applicable local, national and
international laws. Additionally, advertiser agrees to
make timely payments to ensure the
continuous running of advertising
campaigns. 5. Payments Payments will be in advance of
campaigns and can be through online
Credit Card transactions or bank
transfers. BuzzCity may grant credit
facilities at its sole discretion.
Acceptance of this agreement is against a “No Cancellation, No Refund”
policy regardless of campaign release.
Ads balance will expire after 180 days
if unutilized. 6. Indemnification. The advertiser indemnifies BuzzCity
and its publisher partners from
damages that arise as a result of their
advertisement. Advertiser assumes all
liability for content of advertising will
indemnify BuzzCity and our publishers from all claims. 7. Limitation of Liability. If an Ad Unit fails to appear or function
for any reason, we may at our sole
discretion offer placement of the Ad
Unit at a later time, or extend of the
term of the campaign to make good
undelivered or mis-delivered impressions. BuzzCity will spend the day budget set
as evenly as possible but is not
guaranteed at an even spend over 24
hours. To ensure optimization of ad
units and budget for each campaign
period, the system may deliver up to 20% more than the daily campaign
budget specified to achieve optimal
reach for each campaign but will not
exceed the funds available in the
account. 8. Force Majeure Neither BuzzCity nor Advertiser shall
be liable in damages or have the right
to terminate this Agreement for any
delay or default in performing
hereunder if such delay or default is
caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to
Acts of God, Government restrictions,
wars, insurrections and/or any other
cause beyond the reasonable control
of the party whose performance is
affected. 9. Assignment This contract may not be assigned or
delegated by the parties. 10. Governing Law. This Advertising Agreement shall be
governed by and construed in
accordance with the Laws of

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